A multi-year strategic plan for the Ministry of Justice

Constructing multi-year goals, objectives, key tasks, and outcome measures for the MOJ

  • Business Dilemma:
    Israel’s Ministry of Justice consists of a wide range of very different units. Management asked for TASC’s assistance in formulating a strategic plan that would relate to all units, as well as address their common denominator.
  • Process:
    TASC reviewed the trends that were expected to affect the Ministry’s activity in the coming years and conducted workshops of both management and small working groups to formulate and improve the plan. Management of all units were involved, which helped optimization and implementation of the plan within the Ministry’s units.
  • Strategic Solution & Impact:
    The program was detailed into annual unit tasks within the framework of the Ministry’s annual work plan, which is practiced by all government ministries in Israel. TASC assisted the MOJ in execution of the plan.

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