Providing financial advisory services to the Israeli government regarding the country’s desalination plants
- Business Dilemma:
Israel was trying to solve its water crisis by establishing several desalination facilities along its shoreline with a combined capacity of 450 MCM/year. TASC was asked to provide financial advisory services related to the plan.
- Process: TASC analyzed the economic and financial aspects of major desalination projects that were to be promoted in Israel (Ashkelon, Palmachim, Hadera and Soreq) with an annual capacity of ~450 MCM/year. Among other things, TASC designed the risk-sharing mechanism, the payment structure for the contractor, and evaluated economic bids.
- Strategic solution & impact: TASC was involved in the successful financial close and finalization of contracts between Israel and the preferred bidders. Four major desalination facilities have been constructed in Israel making a major contribution to solving the country’s water-shortage crisis.