Karen Aizenberg

Karen Aizenberg

Senior Org & Op Excellence Consultant
M.A. in Organizational Behavior and Development (with honor), Reichman university (IDC) B.A. in Psychology and Management, Ben Gurion University

Being a TASCer

“being a part of and influencing decision-making at significant junctures”


I chose consulting because it allows me to fulfill my passion for variety and in-depth exploration of a wide range of subjects and content worlds. The consulting role requires me to constantly learn and specialize, deepen my knowledge of complex topics, and become an expert in new subjects. It is a way of working that presents me with fascinating intellectual challenges and continuous growth and development. TASC provides me a rich space for personal and professional growth and the opportunity to work on diverse projects and new challenges. At the same time, it offers the ability to be part of an influential organization involved in far-reaching decisions for significant bodies.


My workday is characterized by a professional atmosphere and teamwork. The atmosphere involves in-depth discussions on methodologies and work approaches, thought-provoking meetings, and working on deliverables. At the same time, I have good friends with whom I can share enjoyable moments and interesting conversations.